In a void of space, a complete vacuum except for the particles of kiwi macromolecules... occasionally drifting by... a pulsating, neon green object suddenly filled the vision of those on the bridge of the USS Lexington. Fleet Captain Waugh blinked at exactly the right time, as did the appropriate aides who knew the routine. As the magnificent Federation starship approached the even greater object before it, one could realize the simply astonishing proportions to which the Lexington was dwarfed by this vessel. Letters, by the doors through which the Lexington was now passing, read in English and many other languages... but always translated into the rough equivalent of: "Kiwi Star." -------------------------------------------------------------- As the Lexington was being re-stocked with kiwis, and a diversion known as nurses, the God Emperor strode the Holy Corridors on the way to the Holy Shrine. His passageway was not obstructed by others, the corridors were too Holy. This was a Category Omega Holy Corridor. The others were 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and Prisoner Detention Corridors (quite unHoly). Waugh's cape flowed smoothly behind him, a light neon green, complementing the dark green armor he now wore. Though he looked like a superhero, he kept the element of reality on his side when his Starfleet Commbadge found it's place on his suit. Others admired his ability to coordinate commanding a starship, and being able to fight two wars at once. But as he was fond of saying-- The God Emperor entered the Holy Shrine, and he ascended via the covert Holy Escalator. He looked both ways to make sure no one was watching. Then most of his High Liasons entered the room. He quickly hopped off the escalator and acted as if he was finishing climbing the steps. -- he couldn't do it without his staff. Yes, he owed much of it to his own Divinity, and that one Holy Vision he received while eating a kiwi at lunch as a child... but... his secret Kiwi Liasons, his concubines-- they all made it possible. Without them, it would merely be a Kiwi War without Kiwi Liasons, and Concubines. Now who would want that? The Emperor finished walking up the steps, unfurled his cape, and sat down in his massive command chair at the top. A holographic viewscreen came in place in front of him. It was news for the war effort. In bold, blinking text... it said, "Commodore Horatio M. Peleus - Commissioned - Kiwi Wars - USS Republic" And in Waugh's brain, it said, "THE USS REPUBLIC is now fighting exclusively for the Kiwi! Commodore Peleus must be rewarded handsomely... and his valiant crew as well." And so it was, that Horatio Peleus became the Empire's GRAND EXECUTOR of the Kiwi, and a new legend and adventure through the cosmos began. ::TBC::